Payroll Deduction

General Payroll Deduction Request Form 

For questions, please contact UAB Gift and Biographical Records by phone at 205.934.7242 or via email at

Please do not submit this form if you wish to designate to UAB's Benevolent Fund or a non-profit agency partner. CLICK HERE to complete the correct payroll deduction request. 

Steps to Complete Your Payroll Deduction Request

1) Complete and submit this form.
2) Watch for ​Action Required: Payroll Deduction Request message to email address entered below.
3) Reply All to the email with "Yes" to confirm your payroll deduction request.

UAB or UABMC Email Address Required Field

Anonymity Options
Anonymity Options
Pledge Details
Requested Action Required Field
Requested Action

If ending your pledge, enter $0.

​For Biweekly Payroll Donors:

  • One Time Gifts are deducted from one payroll.
  • The amount of Monthly Deductions or Installments will be evenly split between the first two (2) paycheck of each month. 

If you wish to give to multiple designations, please indicate the amount that should be applied to each. 

For a listing of all UAB designations to ensure you enter the correct choice(s) above, click here to view the main giving form then click on Search Schools, Colleges, and Units.

OPTIONAL - Pledge Start Date

If you do not​ wish to begin your payroll deduction immediately, indicate preferred Start Date. 

Please be aware, however, that payroll deduction updates may not take effect for up to two (2) pay cycles

Open the calendar popup.

In Honor/Memory of Someone Special

Payroll Appeal